Tag: Pronunciation

Target Pronunciation: How To Pronounce -ED Words in English

Alternate Endings The pronunciation of words ending in -ed in English can be really confusing.…

Happy -ED Endings: A Story About Pizza, Pets, and -ED Pronunciation

Every seasoned ESL teacher knows the good old -ED pronunciation rules. When a word ends…

How To Pronounce the GH sound in English: 14 Tough Words To Practice

This month's post teaches you how to pronounce the -gh sound in English. You've probably…

Pronunciation: Beer, Bird, and Bear


3 Confusing Verbs and How To Pronounce Them: Feel, Fall, and Fill

Three verbs that are often confusing for English students are feel, fall, and fill, especially…

8 Words in English Difficult To Pronounce for Non-Native Speakers

English is not an easy language to pronounce! If you're having trouble with your tongue,…